The Path to Connection: Embracing Life and Listening Beyond Opinion

Embracing Life and Listening Beyond Opinion | iCommunicate

The Path to Connection: Embracing Life and Listening Beyond Opinion


They say that travel catalyzes personal growth, an opportunity to venture beyond our comfort zones and expand our view of the world. As I stepped foot into the vibrant land of Finland, little did I know that this adventure would lead me to question my assumptions rather than accept them as truth.

As a young woman, I left the familiar boundaries of America on a trip to Finland. Eager to immerse in the culture, I turned to books, absorbing the vivid images of Lapland, traditional costumes bursting with bright colors with shoes and hats that curled upward at the tips. These images fueled my imagination and became the lens through which I viewed Finland.

Yet, as the plane touched down in Helsinki, my expectations were shattered, giving way to a breathtaking revelation. Instead of a world frozen in time, I found a modern metropolis buzzing with cosmopolitan charm. Stylish men wearing tailored suits and women elegantly draped in furs traversed the streets. I witnessed the heartbeat of a thriving city that defied the confines of my imagination.

A veil was lifted as I experienced the inherent limitations of my own perspective. I had constructed a narrow view of Finland based on a single book, trapping myself within the confines of my assumptions. It was a humbling reminder that our opinions are shaped by the partial glimpses we catch, the stories we hear, and the experiences we accumulate—a mere fraction of the vast tapestry of human existence.


In this blog, we examine the nature of opinions and how they shape our world and rob us of seeing beyond the existing lenses. Then we will look at ways to open our hearts and minds to what could exist beyond our perceptions and assumptions.

 Where Do Opinions Come From?

Opinions are the lenses through which we perceive the world, guiding our thoughts, actions, and interactions. They arise from a complex interplay of various factors, deeply intertwined with our individual experiences, beliefs, and values.

Long before I arrived in Finland, even before I began studying the culture, I was formulating thoughts and drawing conclusions about my anticipated trip. Think about when you immediately start summing up the room when you go to a party or enter the conference room for a staff meeting. There are opinions about people, the environment, and what will happen long before a word is uttered.

When do the opinions start? Perhaps, they never stop!

One of the primary sources of our opinions is our personal experiences. This includes friends, family, community, education, psychological factors, social norms, and cultural conditioning.

We are swimming in a sea of opinions, of which many are not our own.

Awareness of these sources helps us recognize that our opinions are not infallible truths but subjective interpretations of the world. They can be limited, biased, or incomplete. Embracing this understanding allows us to approach our opinions with humility, openness, and a willingness to engage in meaningful dialogue with others.

The Finland experience was invaluable. It taught me that my worldview, as valid as it may be, was not the only worldview. I could learn and expand my life experience if I were open and available for something beyond my understanding of America.

The Consequences of an Opinion-Based World

Living in a world driven by opinions has significant consequences that affect our personal lives, relationships, and society. Here are a few notable impacts:

1.  Division and Polarization: Opinions can create divisions as we surround ourselves with like-minded individuals and sources that reinforce our beliefs. This “us vs. them” mentality hinders empathy and constructive dialogue.

2.  Confirmation Bias and Closed-Mindedness: We tend to seek information confirming our opinions, ignoring alternative viewpoints. This closed-mindedness limits personal growth and impedes progress.

3.  Lack of Critical Thinking: Rigid opinions discourage critical thinking, making it harder to discern truth from falsehood and navigate a complex world. Having thoughts is not the same as thinking.

4.  Impaired Relationships and Communication: Holding onto our opinions without listening to others strains relationships and thwarts effective communication, leading to conflict instead of understanding.

5.  Stagnation and Resistance to Change: Prioritizing opinion defense over exploring new ideas stifles progress and resists change, hindering personal growth and societal advancement.

Recognizing these consequences allows us to challenge our biases, cultivate open-mindedness, and seek diverse perspectives. We can bridge divides, foster understanding, and create a more compassionate and interconnected society through meaningful dialogue and a willingness to understand another’s point of view.

The Benefits of Listening Beyond Opinions

Stepping outside the confines of my familiar surroundings led me to discover vast new worlds and experiences in human existence. The awareness of my bias was no longer something to be ashamed of but rather the door in which wisdom and discernment could flourish. I moved from a naïve American to a world citizen.   

The benefits of going beyond your personal views and perspectives are many. We suggest trying on the following practices.

1.  Level Up Your Awareness:

We all have opinions. However, after a while, we tend to forget that they are just opinions, not the empirical truth.  It works to acknowledge your own biases, assumptions, and limitations. Recognize that your viewpoint is influenced by your cultural background, upbringing, and personal experiences. By embracing self-awareness, you can approach conversations and encounters with humility and openness, fostering a willingness to learn and grow.

2.  Try On Getting Another’s Point of View:

Compassion serves as a bridge between individuals, building connection and understanding. Practice putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, striving to comprehend their experiences, feelings, and perspectives. As you develop an affinity for others, you gain insight into diverse worldviews, disappearing barriers and fostering meaningful connections. Remember, empathy is not about agreement but about seeking understanding.

3.  Stop Preparing Your Retort While Others Are Speaking and Just Listen:

Active listening is a powerful pathway to connecting with others and the world outside your personal view. Rather than waiting for your turn to speak, actively listen to others. Suspend judgment, remain open, and genuinely engage with their thoughts and ideas. Through active listening, you create space for diverse viewpoints to be heard and respected, laying the groundwork for fruitful dialogue.

5.  Go Beyond Entertaining Thoughts to Practicing Critical Thinking:

Critical thinking allows you to question assumptions and examine ideas from multiple angles. Challenge your own beliefs and consider alternative viewpoints. Engage in thoughtful reflection, seeking logical coherence and evidence-based reasoning. By honing your critical thinking skills, you cultivate a more nuanced and well-informed perspective, enabling you to engage in meaningful conversations with others.

6.  Cultivate a Growth Mindset:

Adopting a growth mindset is crucial when transcending personal perspectives. Embrace the idea that knowledge and understanding are not fixed but can evolve and expand over time. See differences of opinion as opportunities for growth rather than threats. Embrace curiosity, welcome new information, and be open to changing your viewpoints when warranted by evidence and thoughtful reflection.


Incorporating these practices into your daily life allows you to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and connection. You move beyond the constraints of personal perspectives and open yourself up to the vast possibilities offered by the world.  

Reflecting on my first trip outside North America, I am reminded of the immense value of transcending personal perspectives. Through this journey, I transformed from a limited worldview to embracing the rich tapestry of human existence. By stepping outside our biases, we open ourselves to a world of wisdom, discernment, and connection.

Read an article on the Importance of Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership

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