The iCommunicate Cultural Collaborative is a deep, professional connection. I have seen our work nurture burgeoning leaders with the mindset of self-design and performance-oriented integrity that opens a rich context for ongoing personal growth and community development. As a genuine collaborative, our participation reveals our innate power as we train in transformative practices to raise new leaders and make a lasting impact on the world.
Hakim Dyer
CEO of Dyer-Bermingham, Banking & Real Estate
I am thinking of partners masterminding with a group of people who are also mission-focused on re-engineering the economy that benefits all people. Also, accountability. We talk about “sustained awareness in a high-stakes game.” There’s a lot of brain power here. The Collaborative is a brain trust that helps me run my business better.
Karen James Cody
Founder of The Allyson Group, a professional network of content writers
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